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Classification and function of polishing machine

2021-09-09 15:50:24

There are three types of polishing machines, namely straight machine, eccentric machine, and forced eccentric machine

What is a straight machine?

His English name is Rotary, or RO machine for short. He is also called Rotary Machine, but I am more accustomed to calling it "Straight Heart Machine". For other names, it's just that everyone calls it differently.

This machine will only force the polishing machine to rotate in one direction, rotating clockwise. And the function of this machine: It can remove deep scratches, that is to say, it can remove 600-800 mesh sandpaper prints, and it can also remove 1500-2000 mesh sandpaper prints. It is a necessary polishing equipment for every automobile art technician.

Advantages of straight machine: high efficiency, very fast removal of scratches, necessary equipment for every car art technician

Disadvantages of straight machine: low safety, fast temperature rise, glare after polishing.

What is an eccentric machine?

His English name is Dual actions, or DA machine for short. Some people call it eccentric machine or vibration throwing machine. The name is just a code name. The name is different.

This machine rotates randomly, and the trajectory is an irregular ellipse.

This machine is divided into 15mm and 21mm, and there are other models, but these two models are the most popular models on the market.

In addition to the difference between the backplane and the eccentric block of 15mm and 21mm, both domestic and foreign have serious selection difficulties. Comprehensive tests basically confirm that the cutting capabilities of the two polishing machines are basically the same. In theory, 21mm has a larger cutting ability than 15mm. , But after the editor chooses to use 2000 grit sandpaper to test, it is concluded that 21mm is better than 15mm in both cutting ability and efficiency.

The advantages of the eccentric machine: high safety, no glare after polishing, and the surface temperature of the car paint after polishing is warm, and it will not be as hot as the car paint surface after polishing by a straight machine. Driver, choosing the eccentric machine is your must-have polishing artifact! And the mirror effect is better than the RO machine.

Disadvantages of eccentric machine: low efficiency, the eccentric machine cannot be removed for deep scratches.

What is a forced eccentric machine?

Its English name is Gear, abbreviated as GA machine. No other names have been found for the time being.

Because this machine has a very low prevalence in the market, I will give you a brief introduction.

This machine is based on the eccentric machine, adding a gear drive system, so that the eccentric machine is forced to rotate like a straight machine, and the cutting force of the eccentric machine is forced to be in the middle of the eccentric machine and the straight machine. The temperature is lower than that of the straight machine. The machine is high, and in terms of efficiency, it is slightly slower than the straight machine, slightly faster than the eccentric machine, and has higher safety than the straight machine and lower than the eccentric machine.

If your technique is not very good, it is not recommended to use this machine. When your technique reaches a certain standard, it is not too late to use this machine.

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