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Correct use of polishing machine

2021-09-09 15:53:48

The car polishing machine is mainly used to compensate for the small defects on the surface of the paint film such as coarse particles, sandpaper marks, flow marks, whitening, orange peel, etc. after the car surface has been sprayed. Improve the mirror effect of the paint film to meet the requirements of brightness, smoothness and beauty. The polishing machine is composed of basic elements such as a base, a polishing plate, a polishing fabric, a polishing cover and a cover. According to different classifications, there are mainly: pneumatic polishing machine, electric polishing machine, simple polishing machine, multi-function polishing machine and so on. But do you know how to use a car polisher correctly? Let's take a look!

1. The working principle of the car polishing machine The polishing machine is also called the grinder, which is often used for mechanical grinding, polishing and waxing. Its working principle is: the motor drives the sponge or wool polishing disk installed on the polishing machine to rotate at high speed. Because the polishing disk and the polishing agent work together and rub against the surface to be polished, the paint surface pollution, oxide layer, and shallow marks can be removed. Purpose. The rotating speed of the polishing disc is generally 1500-3000r|min, mostly infinitely variable, which can be adjusted at any time during construction.

Second, the classification method of polishing machine

1. According to the power source, the automobile polishing machine has two types: pneumatic and electric. The pneumatic type is safer, but it requires a gas source; the electric type is easy to solve the power problem, but you must pay attention to the safety of electricity.

2. According to the function, the automobile polishing machine is divided into two types: dual-function industrial abrasive polishing machine and simple polishing machine. The dual-function industrial grinding|polishing machine can be equipped with a grinding wheel to polish metal materials, and can be replaced with a polishing disc for car burial. This machine is heavier, 2-3kg, but it works very smoothly and is not easily damaged. The speed of this model can be adjusted, which is suitable for professional beauty care personnel. The simple type polishing machine is actually a drilling rig, with small size and non-adjustable speed. It is difficult to grasp the balance when using it; professional beauty care personnel generally do not use this type of machine.

3. According to the rotational speed, automobile polishing machines are classified into three types: high-speed polishing machine, medium-speed polishing machine and low-speed polishing machine.

Thride. How to use the car polishing machine 

First, use the car wax of the corresponding thickness according to the oxidation and damage of the car paint surface before using the polishing machine. After the polishing machine is leveled, the motor is fixed on the base, and a pad is used to point it. . Then turn on the power, lower the handle, press the safety pillar, start the machine switch, and adjust the power according to the polishing degree required by the corresponding car paint. Generally, it is recommended that the speed not be too high to prevent some damage to the car paint. Polishing machine The route of work is best to be straight. Finally, polishing can be divided into two stages. The first part is rough polishing to remove the polished damage layer, and the second part is fine polishing to remove the surface damage caused by rough polishing, which can relatively reduce polishing damage. It is best to pay attention to your surroundings when polishing.

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